Fast Forward 2 - The Power of Motion (Media Art Sammlung Goetz)

18 June 2010 - 3 October 2010

Zkm, Karlsruhe, DE

Whereas the selection of works for fast forward had been centred on how our ways of seeing have changed in an increasingly fast-paced society, The Power of Motion explored movement and acceleration, as well as the opposite: the potential for deceleration. Today’s society, hurtling along in permanent fast-forward mode, is shaped by a high degree of mobility: global commodity trading, mobile workplaces, permanent networking through virtual communication structures. Individuals have to move to a different city, country or even continent in order to adapt to changing economic and political situations. The works were presented in standard freight containers, reflecting this aspect of mobility. In keeping with the thematic issues addressed, the exhibition featured installations and films by Matthew Barney and Jochen Kuhn, whose works encapsulate forms of private mythology. Whereas Paul Chan places narrative at the forefront in his animated videos, Christoph Brech transforms movement into a poetical gesture in his works. Fiona Tan, by contrast, evokes the energy of movement in subtle displays of tension.
