
24 September 2013 - 31 October 2013

Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp, BE

The artist and film maker Hans Op de Beeck (°1969, Turnhout) filmed “Dance”, his contemporary film about migration, in the Red Star Line Museum which commissioned it. “Dance” is a sober, poetic film which the Belgian artist hopes will make the public think about migration in the past and present.

A group of 770 extras played the role of Red Star Line emigrants. In simple, universal clothes, which had been specially designed for the project, they performed a dance consisting of ordinary, daily actions that relate to migration, travel and being on the move.

“Dance” will be permanently shown as of the opening of the Red Star Line Museum on 28 September 2013, at the end of the museum visit. A last stop to encourage the public to reflect on and think about migration in the past and present.
